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About Baphijmm

  • Birthday 03/21/1985

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    Mayhill, NM

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  1. So I discovered, quite to my pleasure, that defining it as a fence not only solved this problem with the aforementioned reverse layers technique, but additionally allowed me to set the occasional little pilasters as "newels", the wall itself as panels, and just change the textures to match. It's not PERFECT, but you know what, it doesn't need to be, and it's a significant improvement over what I was getting before. So thanks!
  2. This certainly looks like the solution; from the way things are looking from a search + checking things in the program, this can only be done on WALL walls, not terrain walls? I don't mind re-defining that stuff, just making sure I'm correct.
  3. Hey there! Trying to create a terrain wall that matches, or at least somewhat resembles, the cinder-block wall defining my backyard. This wall has differing heights in differing locations; for example, at the front terminus, it's about 32" tall, but this is stepped up (gradually) to 60" tall a few feet back. (I'm including an example picture, which I hope will illustrate what I mean a little better.) I thought I'd figured out how to do this by separating the terrain wall using line-breaks and disconnecting the selected edge, but the moment any other change is made to another part of the wall, it automatically re-joins the separated part and attempts to re-equate the heights! Is there any way I could accomplish this seemingly-Sisyphean task?
  4. Hey, look at that. It's a little different icon on 2017, but it's there and it worked. Thanks again, again!
  5. Alright, after much finagling, I think I've got it mostly okay. There's still a weird issue where the terrain is showing in the room even though it's defined as part of the basement to avoid that, but it's not nearly as big an issue as simply trying to get this structure to look halfway correct. Thanks again.
  6. I appreciate this fact; however, what I am lacking is a knowledge of how to do that. So far, Eric's been pretty helpful; I'm kind of stumbling through it, because I honestly don't know enough about... anything I'm doing, but I'm getting there. Things like, the lookouts still being present even though I've alternately disabled them or trimmed them down as small as they'll go, or the framing not rendering.
  7. I mean, this is a little more complex than the idea I have envisioned, but it's the same basic idea, at least for the above-ground portion.
  8. Hey there! Tried to do a quick search through the forums and didn't see much helpful information towards this end; information on this topic in what I've seen of the help files doesn't help much either. I'm looking for some sort of hint as to how to properly create / design an attached greenhouse, though I suppose part of the structure would be more like an older Victorian-style conservatory. Panels would eventually be multi-wall polycarbonate, but plain glass is fine for now, for the simple purposes of modeling. The idea of the structure is that it would be on a split level, accessed from a stairs landing to a basement, so it's partly underground (and that portion would be standard foundation walls); the above-ground portion would probably be panel and metal construction. Leading from the house is a small "path"-type room with a typical hipped roofline, connected at a peak on the house side, and leading to a wider, taller, square greenhouse chamber with a fully-hipped roof, such that the "path" room's peaked roof extends itself over the hip roof of this room until the square room's roof goes higher. (This is difficult to describe; I'm including an exported picture of the basic structure.) I'd like it with no eaves, but I'm having difficulty with that as well. I've already created the structure itself in the program, but what I don't know how to do is turn that structure into something remotely resembling a greenhouse. About the best I can muster is a building that looks like just the rest of the house (which is more Mediterranean) but with a bunch of windows, and skylights that don't extend along the roof properly at the angles. Running Home Designer Pro 2017. I can upgrade to the latest version, and do intend to eventually, but this might be a little ways out. So, if what I'd like to do necessarily requires that upgrade, that's fine, but for now it'd be nice if it didn't, and someone could point me in the right direction. Is this something this software can do?