Our terrain is rectangular but not flat.
At the front, on the street side, we call this level 0 at height 0cm
Where the house stands it's a flat terrain that's a bit higher then the street. About 40cm higher.
So from the street side it goes up to the front door, about 40cm higher than the street.
At the back, about 4 meters from the back of the house, the terrain starts to lower.
About 8 meters from the back of the house (level is about -80cm there) is the lowest point and it's flat all the way to the end of the terrain from there.
So I added these elevation lines:
At the front of the terrain: elevation 0mm (0cm)
At the front door: elevation: 400mm (40cm)
At the back of the house: 400mm (40cm)
4m from the back of the house: 400mm (40cm)
8m from the back of the house: -80mm (-80cm)
At the back of the terrain: -80mm (-80cm).
But that clearly doesn't do the job so I'm probably not understanding it correctly.
Can anyone help me understand how to draw this terrain in home designer?