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Everything posted by RJBBHB

  1. Is there a way to delete them? They definitely do not belong in the attic.
  2. When I built the roof for the shed roofs at rear porches, the automatically generated side wall worked fine, but I discovered that it extended that side wall into the attic area. I don't understand why it is doing that. Using Home Designer Pro 2019 Schm.. 9-3.plan
  3. Eric, I can't wait to try this. Thanks for putting it together.
  4. Eric, I'll try that later today when I get back from the job site. In the meantime, attached is my Pro file. I was a few minutes into your video 'Working on Roofs .. Part 1 (it was looking like i could use something from that to get it to work. Thanks Schm.. * Primary .plan
  5. Thanks Eric ... I'll check out some of those videos
  6. I would like to create a gable roof over the front porch (like the one shown in the attached sketch). But, when generating one with the automatic roof tool I get a huge gable (see attached). I'm assuming that I would need to draw it manually, but not even sure how to start it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Front Elevation sketch.pdf
  7. Well, here in this area we lay the foundation out a different way. Typically, we use block. The surveyor will lay the foundation out to the framing line. We use a combination of 12" block and 8'' block. This creates a 4" brick ledge. And the sill plate and Joist are flush with the outside of the 8" block. See my sketch. The foundation contractor will set it out from the framing line 4" if brick will be installed. Block:Framing Section.pdf
  8. I just dimensioned one wall (on left). On the Main floor the dimension is 19'6 (framing line). But the other illustration shows the foundation building to 20'2 7/8" (which i think is the brick to brick dimension).
  9. I'm not sure where to find this dialogue box. Is it under Wall Settings?
  10. Eric, I enjoyed watching your video. And I've looked through the knowledge info, but I still am not finding a way to generate the foundation so that it lines up with the framing line. I guess I could draw the plan with just framed walls (no siding, brick, etc.). Then create the foundation before adding brick stone etc. with the paint tool.
  11. When I generate the foundation plan it is dimensioning to the outside of my stone/brick surface. I want it to dimension to the frame line (framing dimension). Suggestions?