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About AusRobK

  • Birthday 02/15/1978

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    Sydney, Australia
  • Interests
    DIY, Child-induced migraine reduction

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  1. Wow. It put it all by default in a location I never use - it is there. THANK YOU. I still need to work on the new terrain map but I can now review all the fixes you directed and ensure all are applied. Thank you again.
  2. Did some work on the stairs, it is close. Any suggestions on how to fill that gap in the wall, without creating a wall? You can see that the stairwell is just dry-walled into a box in real life.
  3. Thanks all.. Jo_Ann, The siding was used so I can see the exterior facing correctly, per the split level tutorials from ChiefArchitect, when troubleshooting. I don't recall drawing a wall on the foundation level in yesterdays model, but this definitely fixed it. I kept the details short on this request because of the support already provided in the other . I know that there are other issues in the building, to re-iterate I am drawing up a building which already exists hence its weird layout, also the terrain and retaining wall to match an existing property. Appreciate any helpful thoughts on terrain techniques though LawB10, once you've stopped laughing... Just to keep you laughing after saving the work done on the old map with your guidance yesterday, (built up in a plan with a generic terrain profile( and closing the files. for the day, the next day I got the lovely "the file contains no data" error. So i lost all that work and am applying all the adjustments to a previous version done earlier.
  4. After much work on the overall structure and roof flow (which went great), I re-entered the building to note that the wall of the ground floor of the house had moved up to the new base level of the split floor above and behind. Following things checked or tested: Siding facing the correct way, breaking the main walls between 2 two sections (and testing whole), Wall type hip and high gable, with and without existing foundations. Very much appreciate any help as this wasn't an issue on previous versions of this plan. Current State closer v2.plan
  5. Jo-Ann, Thank you so much for your help, it's very much appreciated. I've learned a lot in the last 36 hours.
  6. Hi Jo_Ann, Thank you - I got close enough with your feedback. I checked a few settings and think they were to do with floor/ foundation levels in the temporary room. If I had the opportunity I would ask about the artifact showing on the wall - There is nothing protruding from the inside as this looks perfect. Can I also whether the individual roof plane pitch adjustment is possible on my version, as I didn't think it was with Suite 2021. If you are working with manual pitch adjustments on the walls, if you could provide an example screenshot of those wall settings that would be amazing. On previous searches of the Q&A I saw that this was for variable pitch on a single roof, as opposed to a single adjustment along the plane. Thanks so much, Rob
  7. Further update - I broke the main gable walls between the 2 rooms, and deleted the gap. This got me the roof shape but the engine built a gabled roof on the ground as shown. Rebuilding the walls has no impact as I would then have to rebuild the roof. I would love to understand how you worked your magic on that sample Jo_Ann! I am close but so far, I feel.
  8. Eric - apologies this should be sorted now. Hi Jo_Ann, thanks for your post; your second image posted is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. DJP and Jo_Ann, please see below for the structure layout inside the attached plan. I have corrected the half height wall. this was a learning error. Please also see where I have added the temporary walls per the butterfly examples and your comments DJP. The top wall is set as the high shed/ gable. sides are full gable, the second "hidden wall" is set as a hip. When generating this I get the missing roof as illustrated above, and the difference in result between the wrong roof, and "no roof" is the right hand wall being set from Hip to full gable. Does this narrow down the issue at all? Untitled 4.plan
  9. Hi Eric/ Others, I Assumed that I had made a few mistakes in basic layout, ie adding internal walls before the roof and other elements were sorted. So I started again and got most of the issues nailed .I know that the heights aren't right and this is based on the ceiling structure being fixed at 318mm (I now know this is a version thing). Attached below are the results. I need to finish the roof with a butterfly arrangement of the outbuilding section to the rear (line on graphic indicates the valley/ box gutter). I have downloaded examples from the help pages (attached) and made all the same changes (dual walls, hip configuration etc. At the final hurdle I change the wall indicated to an arrow to a gull gable wall, and it breaks the whole roof line. Any suggestions? Untitled 4.plan butterfly_example.plan
  10. Interestingly correcting all the external walls did this to the re-build of roofs.
  11. Thanks Eric and apologies have updated the profile. I have HD Suite only at this stage. The ceiling height for this room was set to the highest point required in each individual floor/ level, in the ground floor for example this is 3.3m (~11foot). I adjusted this to the lowest required section in each level/ room. Doing this and re-drawing got me closer. Do you have a thought on what is causing this side to behave like this? Current State closer.plan
  12. Thank you for the already great content in this resource. I have already found some absolute gems on here which have helped greatly. In this (my first) plan I am replicating a current house in preparation for renovation plans. A quick summary of the project: a Split level home on a steep-ish slope, with mainly shed shed roofs and a mix of cathedral ceilings. See photo. The room abutting the retaining wall has a single shed roof joining the larger into a gully, not as the plan has generated. My process to arrive here thus far: 1. develop terrain and elevation profile including retaining wall the house backs against. 2. First floor with 3.3m ceilings at 0m elevation. 3. Split level to rear of house 1640mm above the ground floor. 3. 2nd floor on top of back half of 1st floor (screenshot004 shows the ceiling profile). 4. Attempts to build stairwell joining all 3 (on hold till I fix the roof and wall lines). My request for help here: To know why I'm breaking the required clean roof lines and how to resolve it. I'm seeing a few options. Something is wrong with the half height walls used as external, as they are not getting the roof to drop to the required level (examples in screenshots 6 and 7). This is also impacting how I build the single, large shed roof instead of the 2 being generated as per screenshot 5. I suspect my use of the half height walls, or the roof pitch management across multiple levels. Any guidance/ support would be greatly appreciated. I've been working on the software and living on the forums for a few days to build this but feel there are several fundamentals I need to adjust here which should ensure a smoother process forward. Thanks in advance, Rob Current State 1.plan