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Posts posted by moreauj

  1. I have walls with different exterior finishes that meet at corners.

    How can I control which walls exterior finish dominates the end of the wall.

    For example; I have an 8" concrete side wall with a 8" front wall with stone facing.

    The first 8" of the front wall inherits the concrete of the 8" side wall instead of the front wall stone exterior.

    In the corner the side wall is "dominate" and "subjugates" the front wall.

    I want the opposite situation with the front wall dominate.

    Alternatively, instead of just setting the exterior material on the front wall, I added a 2" stone layer on the exterior of the 8' concrete wall type.

    The side wall still blows through the front wall and i get the side of the side wall in concrete showing through to the front.

    The only work around I've found is to put a break in the side wall to create a little stub wall and changed it to the front wall type.

    However the stub wall has a minimum length of 15" of length so quite a bit of stone facing shows on the side wall which is not-representative.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Thank you for your response, but you'll notice my step 3) is specifically to set the chamfer/fillet size to non-zero.

    Intersect/Join seems to work although some strange results depending on geometry and which segment is selected first,

    but nothing happens with chamfer or fillet.



  3. I can't chamfer or fillet CAD segments.  I say CAD segments because I'm not sure I know how to differentiate segments and polylines. 

    Sometimes I draw lines and the segments select as a unit, other times it seems not. 

    I believe my chamfer technique is correct:

    1)  Select segment,

    2)  Select Chamfer tool

    3)  Set chamfer size to non-zero

    4)  Select another segment with a common vertex.


    Nothing happens, sometimes the first segment remains selected,

    sometimes the 2nd segment highlights.


    What am I doing wrong?



    James Moreau

    PRO 2020


  4. Has anyone found a way to change dimension display between metric and imperial or display dual dimensions?  The documentation is clear that the units are set and stored in one format or the other when a plan is created, but hints that the displayed units can be changed.  Or printed units would do as well.  Most builders here in Canada still want feet-inch plans as do our material suppliers.  No one buys a 38x140x3048mm joist, we buy a 12' 2x10.  But the building permit office requires metric.  I'm using Home Designer PRO 2020, but I downloaded 2023 trial version and it doesn't seem to have any improvements.  I saw one suggestion to keep two plans; one in metric, one in imperial, but this is hardly realistic.  I can't believe this hasn't been addressed by now, a simple switch in the format dimension code.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.