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  1. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    Hey Guys, Just got in from Track Practice. So...I went ahead and took some actual pictures of the house I am trying to replicate... and then some pictures of where I currently am. I am pretty pumped up to be honest- probably amateur hour for you all, but for me, it is a major accomplishment to have as much done as I currently do have, since i have only been messing with Exteriors for about a week. Would love to hear any and all thoughts! Quinnipiac.plan
  2. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    There is no way that what I just did is legit... I just went to "create a rectangular feature"- drew a driveway rectangle- changed the material to LOOKS like a driveway- No way this can be correct, can it?
  3. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    Is this what you are referring to? "Subfloor height above terrain"?
  4. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    meaning... Do I use an elevation point? an elevation line? an elevation region? something else that Suite doesn't possess?
  5. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    I understand fully what you are saying. Floor is 0". Garage is -18" Therefore, in order for the driveway to show, grass level has to be below 18". I just don't know how to isolate just that space of grass to accomplish that.. Will keep trying.
  6. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    How does the program not understand I want a driveway here, not grass? lol I don't understand it. Home_Designer_Suite_2019_4_8_2019_10_39_58_AM.mp4
  7. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    Luckily, this house I am working on currently has a flat yard all the way across. Here is how smart I am so far- I have a driveway that is now covered in grass- and the grass covered my deck as well. smh- cant wait to figure this one out lol
  8. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    I know this is child's play for you all... But for me this is pretty good lol. I have become decent on the interior- can set up a kitchen, cabinets, countertops, furniture, etc... NOW- I need to take the final dreaded step- start getting into TERRAIN (which scares me lol)
  9. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    Okay... Looks like auto rebuild foundations did the trick! Thank You. I am SO FAR AHEAD of where I was 7-10 days ago, where I couldn't draw stairs or even conceptualize a deck, or raising/lowering floor levels. I think I need to learn to do things in the proper order. Thank you again.
  10. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    I went to the settings. I didn't see any options outside of "automatically rebuild foundation"
  11. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    Sent a picture of the garage settings. Where do I find out if I have that option checked? If I checked it somewhere, I would like to uncheck it.
  12. CoachRob14

    Floor Height

    Good Morning Everyone, I have a ranch style home- 2 car front facing garage and a deck that is 17' x 8". Floor 1 height is set at "0". When entering the house from the back of the garage, I walk up three 6" steps. Therefore, I want to set the Garage Floor height at -18", to create this level separation. Each time I change the garage height to -18", I click back on the living level, and it changed with the garage to -18". Each time I try and change the living plan back to 0", the garage changes back to 0" with it. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY I AM UNABLE TO KEEP THESE AT 2 SEPARATE HEIGHTS? Home_Designer_Suite_2019_4_8_2019_8_08_49_AM.mp4
  13. Looks like I have it where I want it (I think). As you said Ed- My living space floor height (Floor C) is at 0". My Garage Floor Height (Floor D) is at -18". So I have created a foot and a half differential, which is what I was looking for. Now that I've done it, I wish I understood why the living space is labeled as "Floor C", and the Garage "Floor D".
  14. I guess that was all it was. The stem wall was 22 1/2. I went to LEVEL 0, and changed the 22 1/2 to match the 37 1/2 of the living space. Now it is perfectly lined up! now I just want to go back, without messing that part up that I just fixed, and create that level separation. You are saying I should lower the garage, not raise the house, yes? But I don't want to change the height of the stem wall (because they are both perfectly aligned at 37 1/2"- so let me go see what wall or floor or ceiling or whatever I need to adjust to try and make this happen..
  15. Bottom. And I guess I just can't wrap my head around- Floor A, Floor B, Floor G, absolute this, rough that... I went to foundation, clicked build foundation. The garage, as you stated, defaulted to 22 1/2 stem wall. It also gave me a Floor (C) height of -26 1/8". So it is already giving me a negative. At the foundation level- when I clicked on the living space area, it has the stem wall at 37 1/2", yet is starting me with a Floor (C) height of -46 1/8".