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Posts posted by jlweaver

  1. I must be doing something wrong.  I have a concrete slab in level 0.   I have a floor plan on level 1.  All the rooms are recognized as being separate rooms.  What I've not been able to do is put a different  floor covering in each room.  Every time I use the Material Painter (in a 3D view) to add some carpet in a room, it adds the carpet to the whole slab under the house.  How do I get a flooring placed on top of  the slab in a particular room?  I've tried all the suggestions in the reference manuals and still can't seem to get it to work.  It's probably an obvious fix, just not obvious to me.



  2. I've been trying for days to use "Room Divider" to close off a Dinning Room that has a open wall on one end.  No matter what I do, including putting real walls in there, the program is not recognizing it as a "room", and thus and can't make any room related adjustments (ceiling height, moulding, etc.).  I've looked through the training videos and the process seems straight forward but it's just not working.  Any clues as to what I might be missing or doing wrong.   I'm using Home Designer Architectural 2017, Build   I've attached the file if anyone believes they can be of help.  Thank you!

    Calle de Lago.plan