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About PaulNDebbie

  • Birthday December 30

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  1. How can I make a gable roof over the front porch with a flat ceiling and also make the roof over the bedroom bump out a gable roof as well? Id be willing to email the file to anyone who would like to play with the plans, just drop me a line.
  2. Simple work around. Put the light fixture in the same spot on both floor views. NOW, find another area where you have a 3 Way Switch and Copy and past that switch where you want it on each floor. Click on the wall switch and "Open Object" Uncheck the box labeled " Automatically Change Switch Type When Wiring". Now wire each switch to the light on each floor and in the plans, it will look like a normal 3 Way Switch Schematic.
  3. First line of my question tells you "It helps if we know what title (Suite, Pro etc) and version (2014, 2015 etc) you are using. "
  4. I'm working with Home Designer Suite 2018 I have both a garage and a work shop with a roof, but no ceilings. How can I put in a hanging fluorescent lights that will hand down from the ceiling and not take the roofs angle? Anyway to make an invisible ceiling?