The issue I am having when bordering is when I set the "Number of Border Planks" to any number and set the "Plank Overhang" to say any length, it has no effect on the outcome of the framing dimensions of the deck. Using the framing dimensions provided from the program, we end up being short on our decking and the deck looks less than professional. The only work-around I have found is to manually adjust the framing to account for this error. Seems like "Plank Overhang" option has no effect on the framing, should be easy to do just regenerate the framing dimensions by subtracting the Plank Overhang from the overall deck dimensions if there is just one open end on a joist, and x2 if it is a BEAM with 2 open ends.
It takes an enormous amount of time to make these adjustments. Wondering if there is a setting I'm missing somewhere or if anyone has a better work around? Maybe a newer version that accounts for this?