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  1. Thanks Eric. The "Build House" process automates the wall building process for the first pass. I want to keep that step.
  2. I want to do a complete interior remodel of an existing condo. Gut the walls. Can I use the "Space Planning" tools to arrange the spaces, then create only the rooms. The normal process is to then select "Build House" and an entire house is created. I guess I can do that, then deselect all of the extraneous boxes in the "Display Options". I'm looking for a quick way to start the process from the "Space Planning."
  3. What is the simplest way to start a new interior design remodel plan using "Space Planning" blocks and not show the whole house?
  4. MikeGruby

    Plan Revisions

    How do I "cloud" parts of a plan that have been revised and mark them as "Delta 1, 2, etc"? Professional plans when revised always mark the changes this way.
  5. MikeGruby

    Materials Lists

    Does anyone have a good routine for using this feature?
  6. Thanks Dave. That's not the answer I am looking for. I'll leave this open a little longer and see if anyone can shed some light. Otherwise I'll be doing some trial and error work. Mike G
  7. Dave, Thanks for your response. Is this the idea? My original plan for client named Fern on Dec 1, 2014 might be Fern 120114.plan. A first floor layout would be Fern 120114 First Floor Plan.layout. A sheet with elevations would be Fern 120114 Elevations.layout. Let's say I revise the first floor plan on Dec 5, but none of the information on the Elevation sheet changes. I make a copy of the original plan and rename it Fern 120514.plan. The new first floor plan would be Fern 120514 First Floor Plan.layout. On that sheet I would cloud the changes. The date of the plan file and layout file match. The Elevation sheet may have information from the original plan file that did not change so it remains the same. This would mean that I would have to maintain the original plan file and all revised files. Is this correct? If later in the job, Dec 20 an Elevation changes but nothing changes on the First Floor Plan. Do I make a copy of the current revised plan file, rename it Fern 122014.plan and generate elevations, make the corrections then create a whole new layout Fern 122014 Elevations.layout? This could be a lot of work. Or do I make the corrections to the original plan file, allow any dynamic links to operate and generate the elevations and make any other corrections to the original elevation sheet and rename it Fern 122014 Elevations.layout? The links would still work, but I will have lost the reference to the plan file from which it was created. If this is the method, I can add the plan file name to the title block. I know this is involved, but I do appreciate your help. Mike G
  8. Dave Are you saying that instead of the sheet number you would use the date, for the original plans and for revision sheets, thus not use the "R1" reference? How do you "cloud" the changes?" MBG
  9. From what I know of Home Designer 2015 this is how I would manage revisions to plans after printing for contact use. It is very involved. Can anyone tell me a better way, please? Keep only one PLAN file. Print the LAYOUT file and associated documents and use and number the layout files with the same name as the PLAN file and include the sheet number. For example: Plan file = Fern.plan; Layout file = Fern-A1.layout. Elevations might be Fern-A2.layout, etc. These will contain the information I want in the contract sheet, but I caution against this as you will see below. Let's say I revise an area of the plan. I would make a copy of the PLAN file and save as "Fern-R1.plan" (maybe even put is in a new folder and keep all LAYOUT new sheets in the same folder). This file is now completely up to date, but not the same as the contract document, which I keep for future reference if needed. I would then make a new LAYOUT titled "Fern-A1R1.layout" This contains the current plan. I now "cloud" around all of the changes made to the original "Fern-A1.layout" file. Once printed and issued this is the new working document for Sheet A1.0 so any other information on the sheet has to be included or it is dropped. This is why I think it best to keep each sheet simple. Often a change effects other layout sheets, such as elevations. So if I have a sheet A2 I will have to remake it call it A2R1. This process continues each time there is a change so at the end the plan file is totally complete, and the latest set of drawings (layouts) contain all of the information. This means that any sheets that did not get revisions, say A5, will still be A5. Some sheets may have only R1 revisions and some may have R2, R3, etc. This means that one must keep a list of all current sheets and make sure the contractor an subs are using them. Is there a better way????
  10. David, Just found this link: PDF Sheet Nunbering and CAD Drawing Naming Conventions Also read about "Layouts" for the first time. That does it. Thanks.
  11. I want to use my plans for bidding as well as updates and changes. Any suggestions on a naming convention to keep it clear what are original contract documents and what documents go with changes? Mike G