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Posts posted by TomEll

  1. 3 hours ago, Jo_Ann said:

    Why are you using 3 1/2" fir framed walls?   I think that you have sabotaged yourself from the get-go, and you should start over.

    Make sure that the snap settings are turned on.


    Jo Ann, I'm at that point, very discouraged with my progress.  I will start over, tracing the PDF, using defaults, if I can find every possible place to set HD Pro to Defaults!

  2. DJP,

    The video is difficult to hear and I see only a blue and white screen, both in YouTube and on this page.

    I can even screw up a video!  :-(

    Screen looks like this, so maybe I have a resolution problem? My iMac seems to handle all other videos with no prob.


  3. 18 hours ago, solver said:

    Here is something to work on.


    Every one of these triangles is a wall that's off the angular grid. They are drawn crooked -- not at 0 or 90 degrees, and the angles don't match your angle snap settings.



    Glad you noticed and mentioned these off-angle walls, since they've been driving me crazy, correcting each one. Somewhere, there must be a setting to allow me to draw (snap?) straight walls, gable lines, etc., but I've not yet found it.   Is this a single setting that I need to look for?  Still reading up and watching roof tutorials.


    And I mis-spoke earlier . . .  the large gable is NOT on the interior wall, but is over the porch beam, as per the attached roof detail.


    gable porch detail.png

  4. 4 minutes ago, solver said:

    The auto roof builder is not perfect and often has trouble where there are multiple gables.


    Suggest it's time to learn manual roofs.


    Maybe DJP will see this and make you a video.

    I'm watching the video for the Gable Roof Line Tool now. Tool seems to work on an ext. wall, but not on my interior porch wall, where I need it!   

    I'll read up on all things related to Manual Roofs.

    The video might be nice to have, since this may be a unique plan, where gable roof planes coincide and intersect each other.

  5. I'm a new user, just traced my first plan from a PDF, working on basic floorplan and am stuck on getting a gable to appear. Screen captures attached, showing the large center gable over the interior wall of the porch that I can't create. I've looked at tutorials, still the manuals, plan & roof defaults, but it never appears. The interior wall dialogue has Full Gable turned on for the wall with the front porch. I think I'm building the roof after every attempt to correct, but still no success. 


    Any ideas on what it is that I'm overlooking? 

    gable elevation.png

    gable wall.png

    Plan 8.8.17.plan

  6. On 7/29/2017 at 1:17 AM, solver said:


    Did you notice this in my reply above?


    Do you understand what I'm suggesting? 


    This is the simplest way of getting the drawing out from under your plan, while keeping it easily available.

    Thanks, Solver.  Yes, I noticed and understand. Good idea. I decided to Save the traceable PNG (or was it my PDF?) as a separate plan, which I can open in a new tab whenever needed. Seems to work well at this point. I've traced and am now challenged by a silly gable that I can't create. I'll start another thread for that.

  7. Thanks, Solver.   Signature line updated.


    FYI . . . searching thru the Help System assumes I know the terminology of HD Pro 2015, which I don't. I have found the User Guide and Reference Guide to be most helpful at my experience level. YouTube is great IF the video is for the exact version of the CA product I own. (You can guess how I discovered this!). Knowledge Base is underutilized so far. I'll get familiar with it.


    Disappointing about the layering missing in my version. Just as well, I suppose . . . less complexity for me to manage. I'll look for a way to hide the picture of the floorpan after I've traced it. Surely CA has anticipated this need and has an elegant solution, even for my "lowly" $500 HD version!


    Hoping things go faster now that I can start tracing.

  8. HD 2015 Pro. New user. Existing hardcopy plan (2' x 3') has been placed in the floorpan and resized appropriately.  I now want to save the resized picture as part of the Plan, as per this doc, where it says:


    On the Line Style panel of the the Picture File Box Specification (Or PDF Box Specification) dialog, note that the selected picture is located on the "CAD, Default" layer, then click the Define button to the right of the Layer drop-down list.


    Problem is, my Line Style dialogue doesn't show CAD or Default Layer of a Define button?


    How do I save this picture as part of my Plan and how do I make the picture a distinct layer that I can view/hide at will?