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  1. It is on my To Do list for this evening!! Thanks again!
  2. Sounds great! I will try that out and see what happens. Thanks so much for your help!!
  3. All great info thanks!! I had no idea about the info needed so I really appreciate that. I will go back and modify my signature and such. I am using Pro and I think it is 2021 or so it says. I have watched a couple of the roof specific videos trying to fix the roof myself but as I said I am not getting it to change. I have checked the auto rebuild roof and unchecked it trying both options and still get the same result. I feel like I am missing something stupid and it is driving me crazy!!
  4. new to CA, my drawing has auto roof designed my house with a hip roof and when i go in and try and change it, by using either the edit or wall preference, it won't make the change. has anyone else ever experienced this? Is there another option? Again, still learning the program so it may be that I am missing something very simple