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Posts posted by sarahgh

  1. hi all, believe it or not this will be an improvement on the existing spiral staircase elsewhere in the house!

    This is to fit in a tiny room in a medieval house in a mountain village in Italy.

    We are restricted by - the mountain , the immensely thick stone walls and the need to steer away from load bearers,

    I wish we could fit a 'normal' one 

    As a compromise we hope that helicoidal will be - more usable, not scarily see through and the dog will be able to negotiate it

    we are adding an extra couple of rooms to this:



    Thanks for all the help

  2. Sorry, didnt realise - its home designer suite 2018

    Yes i can curve stairs with this, however it wont seem to believe me on how curved and how small i need them. ie 125cm diameter hole .In order to reach the next floor the brogram wants a lot more space than this.

    Thought someone might have a compatible cad

    Thanks for your help

  3. Hello,

    i need to try out some helicoidal stairs in a restricted space. I have only found cad that is incompatible with the program

    I cannot make the stairs within the program, although there probably is a way that i am missing.The spiral staircases dont do the job. Also i want to extend at the bottom after they have curved in the circle.

    What i am after is something like these


    in the smallest size


    Any tips?


    Thank you



