outside basement stairs to terrain (design home suite)


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This is probably an easy issue for some.  So I had built an outside stairway added from the basement level to terrain grade. It affects future detached garage additions in regards to dimensions from such stairwell to the garage.  When I build it on basement level it looks good camera view from the basement camera. The problem i hate is , It does depict the tops of the walls from the stairs added below into being above terrain. From grade level level the terrain grasses cover over its middle and doesn't recognize the stairway leading down.   it is an L-shaped stairwell (with a landing) and does It does recognize the tops of the stair well walls being above terrain grade but the middle of the stair well is covered in grass terrain created.    I am trying to create this for contractors to get of viurtal of what i want them to do.  Also how wide and how far the garage can be placed based on code and a railer and f-250 to be able to be parked in the new detached garage. Todd Littleton co  

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